Jastrow Dictionary: Dictionary of the Talmud and Targumim by Marcus Jastrow


Commonly known as "the Jastrow Dictionary," this work is the definitive choice for studying the Talmud, Midrashim and Targumim. With over 30,000 entries, it is far more comprehensive than any other dictionary of Aramaic/Hebrew available. Each entry is fully vocalized, defined in English and presented in various contexts, and word roots are cross-referenced wherever possible.

A timeless classic! An invaluable resource! A Dictionary of the Talmud and Targumim

Compiled by: Marcus Jastrow
Libary Bound Hardcover | 5.75" x 8.5" | 1,736 pages

Commonly known as "the Jastrow Dictionary," this work is the definitive choice for studying the Talmud, Midrashim and Targumim. With over 30,000 entries, it is far more comprehensive than any other dictionary of Aramaic/Hebrew available. Each entry is fully vocalized, defined in English and presented in various contexts, and word roots are cross-referenced wherever possible.

A timeless classic! An invaluable resource! A Dictionary of the Talmud and Targumim

Compiled by: Marcus Jastrow
Libary Bound Hardcover | 5.75" x 8.5" | 1,736 pages

Commonly known as "the Jastrow Dictionary," this work is the definitive choice for studying the Talmud, Midrashim and Targumim. With over 30,000 entries, it is far more comprehensive than any other dictionary of Aramaic/Hebrew available. Each entry is fully vocalized, defined in English and presented in various contexts, and word roots are cross-referenced wherever possible.

A timeless classic! An invaluable resource! A Dictionary of the Talmud and Targumim

Compiled by: Marcus Jastrow
Libary Bound Hardcover | 5.75" x 8.5" | 1,736 pages

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