Lulav and Etrog
Click HERE to reserve your Lulav and Etrog Set for Sukkot!
Pick-up your Lulav & Etrog Set Oct 13-15.
Click HERE for store hours.
The Holiday of Sukkot begins on Wednesday evening October 16 - Friday October 25, 2024. It lasts for seven celebratory days.
Beginning five days after Yom Kippur, the holiday of Sukkot is named after the booths or huts, called Sukkahs, in which we dwell during this week-long celebration.
It is traditional to decorate the Sukkah and to spend as much time in it as possible. Think about bringing your guitar and mealtimes into the Sukkah, even homework and zoom calls!
The Lulav and Etrog sets, also called the Four Species or Arbah Minim, are waved inside the Sukkah during the holiday to bring blessing to the world. These sets consist of the lulav (palm branch), hadas (myrtle), arava (willow) and etrog (citron).
Do you want to buy a Sukkah or Schach (the special roof covering)? We have a special deal with The Sukkah Store in LA. Use code AFIKOMEN and receive FREE SHIPPING on your order. Click here!