A Night to Remember - The Haggadah of Contemporary Voices


If you want a lively Seder, start with a lively Haggadah!

And this one is lively. Full-color, great original illustration, hundreds of commentaries, stories, small inspirations to make your Seder work for everyone at the table.

Features include:

Table Talk. Bring this haggadah to the table and turn your Seder into a lively exchange of ideas. Full of triggers for reflection and discussion.

A Seder with a Smile. Enjoy the clever illustrations by internationally acclaimed Israeli artist Michel Kichka.

Stories for all Ages. The Exodus is retold in art, activities and games that capture the imagination of children, teens and adults and lead them on a spiritual journey.

Inclusive Language and Content. Insights come from Jews of all denominations, religious and secular, as well as non-Jews.

Wisdom from the Four Sons and the Four Daughters. Social Conscience, from Moses to Martin Luther King. Discover contemporary stories of liberation and social action from Egypt to Los Angeles.

User Friendly. Whether you make your Seder short or long, here are numerous suggestions for making it more interesting, interactive and accessible. New English translations and clear explanations make the novice as well as the veteran feel at home.

by Mishael Zion and Noam Zion

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If you want a lively Seder, start with a lively Haggadah!

And this one is lively. Full-color, great original illustration, hundreds of commentaries, stories, small inspirations to make your Seder work for everyone at the table.

Features include:

Table Talk. Bring this haggadah to the table and turn your Seder into a lively exchange of ideas. Full of triggers for reflection and discussion.

A Seder with a Smile. Enjoy the clever illustrations by internationally acclaimed Israeli artist Michel Kichka.

Stories for all Ages. The Exodus is retold in art, activities and games that capture the imagination of children, teens and adults and lead them on a spiritual journey.

Inclusive Language and Content. Insights come from Jews of all denominations, religious and secular, as well as non-Jews.

Wisdom from the Four Sons and the Four Daughters. Social Conscience, from Moses to Martin Luther King. Discover contemporary stories of liberation and social action from Egypt to Los Angeles.

User Friendly. Whether you make your Seder short or long, here are numerous suggestions for making it more interesting, interactive and accessible. New English translations and clear explanations make the novice as well as the veteran feel at home.

by Mishael Zion and Noam Zion

If you want a lively Seder, start with a lively Haggadah!

And this one is lively. Full-color, great original illustration, hundreds of commentaries, stories, small inspirations to make your Seder work for everyone at the table.

Features include:

Table Talk. Bring this haggadah to the table and turn your Seder into a lively exchange of ideas. Full of triggers for reflection and discussion.

A Seder with a Smile. Enjoy the clever illustrations by internationally acclaimed Israeli artist Michel Kichka.

Stories for all Ages. The Exodus is retold in art, activities and games that capture the imagination of children, teens and adults and lead them on a spiritual journey.

Inclusive Language and Content. Insights come from Jews of all denominations, religious and secular, as well as non-Jews.

Wisdom from the Four Sons and the Four Daughters. Social Conscience, from Moses to Martin Luther King. Discover contemporary stories of liberation and social action from Egypt to Los Angeles.

User Friendly. Whether you make your Seder short or long, here are numerous suggestions for making it more interesting, interactive and accessible. New English translations and clear explanations make the novice as well as the veteran feel at home.

by Mishael Zion and Noam Zion

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